Budget Committee
There shall be a standing Budget Committee, which is chaired by the Treasurer. It is comprised of at least three additional members who are appointed by the committee chair and confirmed by the Senate.
GSO Contact | treasurer@gsobinghamton.org |
Constitution & Bylaws Committee (CBC)
There shall be a standing Constitution, Bylaws, and Chartering Committee, which is chaired by the Vice President. It is comprised of at least three additional members who are appointed by the committee chair and confirmed by the Senate.
GSO Contact | vp@gsobinghamton.org |
Employment & Labor Committee
There shall be a standing Employment & Labor Committee, which is chaired by the Vice President. It is comprised of at least three additional members who are appointed by the committee chair and confirmed by the Senate. The GSEU Business Agent shall serve as an ex officio member of this committee.
GSO Contact | vp@gsobinghamton.org |
GSEU Contact | gseu.bing@gmail.com |
Elections Committee
There shall be a special Elections Committee, which is chaired by the Chief Elections Officer. It is comprised of at least three additional members who have been appointed by the Chair and confirmed by the Senate. The Chief Elections Officer is the sole chair and a non-voting member of the Elections Committee. He or she shall be hired for the duration of one academic year. The Vice President of the GSO shall serve as an ex officio member of this committee. The Elections Committee shall be in existence from the determination that an election is required until the Senate ratifies the election, at which time the mandate ends.
GSO Contact | elections@gsobinghamton.org |
Events Committee
There shall be a standing Events Committee, which is chaired by the Assistant to the President. It is comprised of at least four additional members who are appointed by the committee chair and confirmed by the Senate.
GSO Contact | atp@gsobinghamton.org |
There shall be a standing Judicial Committee, which is chaired by the GSO Judicial Officer. It is comprised of at least six additional members who are appointed by the committee chair and confirmed by the Senate. The membership, duties, and powers of the Grievance Committee are enumerated in the Bylaws.
GSO Contact | judicial@gsobinghamton.org |
There shall be a standing Socio-Cultural and Multicultural Assembly (SCMA), which is chaired by the GVPMA. It is comprised of one representative from each chartered socio-cultural sub-organization. Additionally, from these representatives, the GVPMA shall appoint senators to the GSO Senate. There shall be one Senator appointed for every five active SCMA groups, not exceed one-fifth the total number of GSO Senators.
GSO Contact | gvpma@gsobinghamton.org |
There shall be a special Treasury Overseeing Committee, which is chaired by the Assistant to the President. It is comprised of at least three additional members who have been appointed by the Chair and confirmed by the Senate. The appointed members shall not include any member of the GSO Executive Board, the GSO Chief Elections Officer or the GSO Judicial Officer. Where there is a potential conflict of interest, a member shall recuse. This Committee will not have a quorum unless at least one non-Executive Board member is present at its meetings.
GSO Contact | atp@gsobinghamton.org |