GSO Voucher

Reimbursement forms for chartered departmental and SCMA groups seeking reimbursement for relevant expenses.

Last Day to have Event:

Deadline for Voucher Submission:

GSO Transfer Form

This form can be used to transfer funds between sub-organizations. Signatures from both treasurers where funds will be transferred from and to are needed, along with either an announcement flyer for the event funds will support or an email explaining in detail the intended purpose of the transfer as documentation for the transfer request.

GSO Deposit Form

GSO Alcohol

All vouchers submitted to the GSO office are required to submit this form for any event, on or off-campus, that served alcoholic beverages.

IRS Tax Exempt Form

No personal purchases should be made with this form. This is punishable by NYS law.

IRS Form W-9

GSO Honorarium

To be completed when you are paying an individual for speaking, performing, etc. at an event on campus.

Sodexo On-Campus Catering Policy

GSO Student Activity Fee Waiver

If you will not be on campus and do not plan to take advantage of GSO services, you may apply to waive your activity fee. This application must be submitted before the Add/Drop period of the semester ends. (Please Note: any student requesting a fee waiver will not be eligible for Travel or Research funding.)