Use to apply for Travel or Research Funds (Please Note: Application cannot be made until AFTER travel is completed, but is required within 30 days of returning, and that you may not apply for GSCTRF if you have other pending funding applications for the same expenses )

The GSCTRF Guide is intended to provide helpful advice before you start a GSCTRF Application. It includes a checklist of documentation you will want to be sure to have on hand as well as advice on how to handle non-standard situations with your application.


Use to apply for funding to support a Conference, guest speaker or other professionalism event. Applications will be submitted to the budget committee for approval. Applications requesting more than the allotted amount will have to present their proposal to the senate for consideration.


This fund is for currently enrolled graduate students who elect to attend a course outside their primary area of research/study for personal enrichment. To be eligible, applicants must have obtained the instructor’s consent to audit the course and attended at least 60% of course meetings. Applicants are not required to complete assignments/exams for the course to be eligible. The amount of the award will be determined by the number of eligible candidates who apply, to a maximum of $500/semester. Applications are reviewed by the GSO Budget Committee who recommends that applicants keep personal copies of all files.


This fund is for currently-enrolled graduate students with preschool-aged children attending a licensed daycare center (on-campus or off-campus). To be eligible, children must have been born before the start of the current semester, and not turn 6 before the semester ends. The amount of award will be determined by the number of eligible children who apply, to a maximum of $150/semester. The review committee recommends that applicants keep personal copies of all files to expedite future applications.

Deadline for Funding Opportunity: May 1st 2023.

To apply for any of these funding opportunities, please contact the GSO Treasurer. at