- The Student Activity Fee is a fee charged to all graduate and professional students each academic term.
- The fee is used to fund major campus events planned by the Graduate Student Organization, Different departments, or any chartered committee.
- The Student Activity Fee covers GSO Executive Board salaries, operational expenses, the OCC Transport, conferences (CAFÉ), travel reimbursement (GSCTRF), coffee hours, and other social events sponsored by the GSO, the university preschool fund, departmental graduate student organizations, and multicultural organizations (SCMA).
- The Student Activity Fee for the Graduate Student Organization at Binghamton is considered by voting by all graduate students and professional students.
- It is voted on every 2 years in accordance with policies determined by the SUNY Board of Trustees.
- The Student Activity Fee is either Voluntary or Mandatory which is significantly dependent on the voting responses.
- Voluntary means that the student government (GSO) is responsible for collecting the Activity Fee from individual students who elect to pay the said fee themselves. A vote for voluntary fees means that the GSO will run on an austerity budget with contingency funds to pay for GSO Executive Board salaries, operational expenses, and the OCC Transport, but NOT conferences (CAFÉ), travel reimbursement (GSCTRF), coffee hours, and other social events sponsored by the GSO, the university preschool fund, departmental graduate student organizations, and multicultural organizations (SCMA).
- Mandatory means that the university administration collects the fee from each student when the student registers each semester with the outcome being that funds are allocated to GSO Executive Board salaries, operational expenses, the OCC Transport, conferences (CAFÉ), travel reimbursement (GSCTRF), coffee hours and other social events sponsored by the GSO, the university preschool fund, Departmental Graduate Student Organizations, and multicultural organizations (SCMA).
Categories: Election