GSO Chartering Request Form
This form is for any departmental or sociocultural interested in chartering or re-chartering with the GSO. Charter requests for departmental groups should be submitted to the Vice President. Any charter requests for sociocultural groups should be submitted to the GVPMA.
GSO Department Chartering Template
Please Note: The sample provided is just for reference and each department is requested to make relevant changes to the template. For example, each department will have a different name and different set of rules.
GSO SCMA Chartering Template
Please Note: The sample provided is just for reference and each organization is requested to make relevant changes to the template. For example, each organization will have a different name and different set of rules.
GSO Sub-organization Officer List
To submit Names and Contact Information for Organization Officers and Senators (An updated list must be submitted at the beginning of each Fall Semester).